Only a week later, y'all should be impressed! We had Caedmon's party on his birthday (it's kinda a big deal to us to do the party on the day) which was last Saturday, October 4th. It was a good day, I wasn't too stressed (hey I didn't say I wasn't at all, I wouldn't be a Middleton if I said that!) and Caedmon really seemed to enjoy re-meeting the whole family and playing with his cousins. My parents and sister got here on Thursday evening and were a great help to me. My mom is great about doing meals/parties for large groups of people. Inevitably I forget the small stuff like drinks, napkins, etc. So it was good to have her. The party started at 3 and we had lots of smoked brisket, sausage, and pork loin- yum! It was a regular BBQ and fun. We had [Caedmon's] Grandma, Papa, LouLou, Pappa, Aunt Jilly, Aunt Catlin, Uncle Matthew, Aunt Chandra, Noah, Isaiah, Nehemiah, Uncle Luke, Aunt Mandy, Asher, Levi, Addie, Uncle Josh, Aunt Kristi, cousin Willy, and friend Paul. It was a good time. I think even Quigley, the dog, had a fun with everyone. I'll be honest and tell you my cake wasn't quite what I'd expected, and so it was not as spectacular as I hoped. But it was the yummiest one I've made yet--I somehow messed up the recipe on the frosting and it turned out DE-LISH! Ok, I'll stop describing things and go ahead and let the pictures tell the story!
It's always great to come in and see the chandelier decorated and presents on the table first thing in the morning of your birthday!

Parts of various outfits Caedmon received...he's skiing by the way (yes, with his drumsticks).

Caedmon with his daddy and Papa putting together his new tricycle.

Caedmon's Papa doing a magic show--Uncle Matthew (left) and Mark are doing a mind-reading illusion!

HA- all the "big boys" had moved to the front row of the magic show (L to R: Uncle Matthew, Uncle Joshua, and Mark).

Cousin Asher helping out with a smooth linking rings routine.

Caedmon by his birthday cake & cupcakes. If you want to know why the cupcakes are purple, let's just say my red wasn't red enough and when I'd royally screwed them up and swirled them with the blue frosting...yeah, I know, so much for thinking ahead.

He's 2, therefore he didn't care for "Happy Birthday" being sung to him.

Blowing out his candles!

Caedmon with Aunt Catlin, and cousin Nehemiah.

Papa and cousin Noah watching Mark help Caedmon open gifts--Mark's obviously enjoying it!

Aww, kissin' cousins! Caedmon gives Asher a thank-you-for-my-present-kiss while cousin Levi (foreground), cousin Isaiah, and cousin Noah (pictures from the background) look on.

Oh and to start out our weekend we had the lovely and somewhat traumatic experience of watching our former house be ripped from the ground and moved down the street from us! It was sad. It was also disturbing that the very next morning (on Caedmon's birthday) we noticed "looters" going through the basement where the house had been. I sent Mark over to tell them just what was on the stuff they were grabbing and they said, "How 'bout we'll just wash our hands before we eat?" AHHH- of all the nerve! Some people...
Here it is this is the sun porch (left end) leading onto the living room, the dining room is the middle window with the kitchen on the right end. Upstairs is Caedmon's nursery, then the guest bathroom, and our bedroom/bathroom on the right end.

How I miss that house!