Wednesday, October 29, 2008

For the 3rd Time

Yes, I'll keep trying. I've tried twice already to post a video and it never works, so I may have lost some of my computer savvy in the last, oh say...week! But I'd realized that when someone ventures to my lovely blog the first thing they see is a video still shot of my darling boy grabbing himself. This won't do!
So here we go:

Mark caught this nasty thing (with his fishing line) while we were fishing early this summer...sick-O! (And that's Caedmon admiring it while sitting in Aunt Jilly's kayak.)

And then...


Kristi Eileen said...

You crack me up. ROLF!!!!

Christie said...

all the videos work, you know. so your computer savvy is in tact. rejoice!

Marylou said...

That is too funny!

natalie said...

oh my gosh--that might be one of the most hilarious things I've seen--or more like HEARD. you are so funny...and that thing was so gross!!