The flower arranging was my favorite part!

Stage 1 of set up on site
Almost done...
With our lovely Explorer in the background (sorry!)
Shelby and Josh cutting the cake (if you look close you'll see the hundreds of gnats that flew into the frosting and got stuck! AHHH- but I didn't care, we just told people to pick them out--the price you pay for an outside wedding!)
Aftermath- the second layer chocolate was gone! This layer was butter pecan- yum!

A couple of my favorite pictures I took and made sepia...
We call this one Shelby's "Estee Lauder" picture
And to finish it off, our sweet boy, Caedmon (left) with his second cousin, Tanner on Great Grandpa's tractor!
I may be posting again soon as a big event is happening today around our area. It's called their moving our house! Not the one we're living in, but the one ruined by the Great Flood of '07. I'm SO sad, I don't want to see it done, I LOVE that house. Not that I'm not grateful for the house we have now, but to those who have been to both there's just no comparison! To make things worse we can see all what's being done because the house's are separated by just an alley! Here are the pictures of our first home here on Cedar, and our current home on Summit:
Our beautiful first home:
Our current home (but it looks a lot better now, because my flower beds are in bloom!)
Stage 1 of set up on site
Almost done...
With our lovely Explorer in the background (sorry!)
Shelby and Josh cutting the cake (if you look close you'll see the hundreds of gnats that flew into the frosting and got stuck! AHHH- but I didn't care, we just told people to pick them out--the price you pay for an outside wedding!)
A couple of my favorite pictures I took and made sepia...
We call this one Shelby's "Estee Lauder" picture
And to finish it off, our sweet boy, Caedmon (left) with his second cousin, Tanner on Great Grandpa's tractor!
I may be posting again soon as a big event is happening today around our area. It's called their moving our house! Not the one we're living in, but the one ruined by the Great Flood of '07. I'm SO sad, I don't want to see it done, I LOVE that house. Not that I'm not grateful for the house we have now, but to those who have been to both there's just no comparison! To make things worse we can see all what's being done because the house's are separated by just an alley! Here are the pictures of our first home here on Cedar, and our current home on Summit:
Our beautiful first home:
Our current home (but it looks a lot better now, because my flower beds are in bloom!)